Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The beginning

So I'm on the brink of starting my career as an I.V. Leaguer, also known as a nurse. I'm going to be starting my final semester soon, then taking the boards and thought for the sake of posterity I should "journal", albeit publically, my impressions: joys, fears, tears, and triumphs.

I can't say I have loved every minute of nursing school, but it's not supposed to be fun. That's not to say I'm not enjoying the process! The information is fascinating, but even more so is the opportunity to give to others of myself. I love talking with my patients and finding out about their lives. Maybe it's that inner spook in me.

So, join me in my journey...and be envious or thankful you are not the one spilling unknown fluids on your clothing or cleaning up blood. :-)