Pediatric Rotation: CHECK!
However, this is not to say that I didn't learn anything from this rotation...on the contrary!
I learned:
- ALWAYS wear gloves when handling the g-tube, lest you get curdled stomach contents on your bare hands
- Snot/phlegm/mucous is way more disgusting than blood
- When suctioning a tracheostomy, always cover the trach. Projectile phlegm is not cool.
- Make sure all valves on the gtube are closed when feeding, otherwise it ends up in the bed.
- Bring lots of homebaked goodies for the staff - especially the ones who change diapers for your patients
- Be thankful for each time you are inconvenienced with having to get up to use the bathroom, at least you can still go!
...and finally - NEVER get used to seeing these kids in such horrible conditions and NEVER take the life you live for granted!
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