Monday, September 29, 2008

a bittersweet reminder

I don't typically blog about my faith - not because it's not the most important thing in my life (it is), but because I get really tired of people talking the talk, but not walking the walk...or at least allowing people to see the walk and WANT to hear the talk. For example, there was this guy on campus the other day. He was older, looked kind of scraggly, was shouting, and had a pretty big crowd gathered around him. I was curious to see what the issue was but kept my distance. I caught a glimpse of him and immediately shuddered with indignation. There he was, with a huge sign on his front and back that said, "You must be BORN AGAIN. Repent while you can!" Do people really believe that they will make a difference? Sure, people might be guilt-tripped into saying the "sinner's prayer," but will they truly change? Will they be discipled? Where's the follow-up with these people? This guy was screaming the talk, but had never given any one a chance to see his walk.

Anyways, I'm writing this faith-themed post because I recently had an interesting reminder. I am someone who over analyzes absolutely everything...I will rehash a conversation or experience over and over until it eats me alive, even good things. The other day someone I know got upset with me and I was startled and a bit hurt. I didn't think I had done anything wrong to warrant the frustration directed at me. So as is my habit, I went over the conversation I had with this person over and over again, trying to determine if I had been in the wrong. I asked God to, "search me and know me, see if there be any offensive way in me" (Ps. 139:24). I'm still not sure if I was wrong in my immediate actions to this person, but the introspection and surrender of attitude led me to allow myself to be scrutinized and searched, leading to the discovery of other areas of my life which are far less than pure.

So my reminder to self is this: every time I am confronted, I should take the time to search and be searched by my Creator through prayer, the Body, and Scripture. Even if I was not in the wrong in the particular circumstance, I will inevitably be shown those areas of my life which do need correcting so that I may continue to be trained in righteousness (1 Tim 3:16-17).


Anonymous said...

Tag, you're it!