Sunday, April 19, 2009

love or pride?

My pastor quoted Richard Cecil today in church:

"To love to preach is one thing; to love those to whom we preach is quite another."

I am a born preacher. NO, I don't preach at a pulpit or even in a classroom. However, I am a pretty opinionated woman and really don't have a problem speaking my mind. It can be something like a little-known fact, how I think one should clean, what to do after surgery, when to take Tylenol for a headache, etc... (Is it a surprise I'm a nurse?) But when I "preach," what are my motives? Is it to justify my own opinions? Such as, if I can convince them I'm right, then I really must be right. Do I "preach" to make myself sound smart?

Now that I am considering a life of missions and nursing, both of which are apt to preaching of some sort, it's something I need to really think about. When I walk down the dirt path to the squatter shack to teach infant care, it MUST be love that drives me, not some sense of self-inflation, pride, or self-justification.

Because let's be honest: you can usually tell within seconds if someone loves to preach in order to hear themselves talk...we call it "hot air."


Dana Michelle said...

I love this post- it is so true and I think we all need to be reminded of it at times. I pray that you and I really love from a pure heart sold out to God, not for the purpose of gaining any glory for ourselves.