Thursday, May 7, 2009

Hmmm...what to say...

It's been a while since I've posted. Not because there hasn't been much going on, quite the opposite. I cannot wait for this semester to be over with so that I can really focus on work. The timing is actually quite impeccable. The week school is over is the same week I start as an RN "on my own." (Anyone else have Les Mis running through their head now?) For the last 9 weeks I've had another RN shadowing me, helping precept me to the life of a new nurse.

One quick story: I had a south Asian patient the other day who didn't speak more than 5 words of English: NO!, yes, sank you, there, and fix. We struggled all night as she wanted her curtain, pillows, blankets, and gown JUST so. After going in to her room about 3-5 times an hour all night, we ended the shift with her morning meds. When I walked in, she motioned brushing her teeth. I finally put my foot down and said that the nursing aid would help her brush her teeth AFTER she took her meds. Every two minutes after that she was calling for us so she could brush her teeth. By now I was thoroughly frustrated. My aid was busy so I gave her a toothbrush and paste only to hear a resounding, "NO!" She wanted to walk to the sink. Alright, I know what it's like to be in the hospital, so I'll go with it. I got her to the sink when she suddenly grasped my arm in a death grip. These little old ladies are STRONG! She started motioning something about her tongue. Clueless I grabbed every supply I could think of, hearing only, "no!" every time. Finally I grabbed the basin with all her toiletries from beside her bed. She pounced on this curved, ornate silver object and proceeded to scrape her tongue. Of course, why didn't I think of a tongue scraper. grrrr...

I was so ready to pass this lady on to the day shift and warned them that she was very needy and used to being the matriarch. As we were walking out of the room, she grabbed my hand and said very clearly, "I love you!" just can't hate them for long.

<---her tongue scraper was much fancier than this...