Friday, August 8, 2008

Two Weeks of Freedom

Last night I got to do something I haven't done in a very long time...I read an entire book cover to cover in 5 hours. My last clinical was today and it was bittersweet because I loved this rotation, but I am so ready for two weeks of vacation!
So when I got home, I went horizontal for 2 solid hours of bliss. Then I went to the library and bought a book for 10 cents (I have a horrid habit of forgetting to return books to the library, so it ends up being cheaper to buy them). I pulled up a comfy chair by the pool of the house I'm house-sitting at. Before long the jacuzzi became too appealing so I rolled up my sweats and dipped my feet in. Turns out this wasn't good enough. I thought, "here I am, by myself, why am I not IN the jacuzzi?" So I changed into my suit, grabbed an ice cold soda, turned on the spa and sank in...lemme tell you, I have not felt so content and relaxed in a very long time. There is little better than a spa, a book, an ice cold soda, and nothing to stress me out. I had nothing that I "should" be doing, nothing pressing, no niggling thought...just pure and simple relaxation.
So bring on the two weeks of vacation! I plan to live it up - trip to Gramma's, trip to San Diego tomorrow to see Phantom of the Opera, lots of Olympic viewing, and a trip to Hawaii for a week. My body needs it after 7 straight months of clinicals, exams, projects, and STRESS. Thank you, Lord!!