Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I am a wuss

I fully admit it. I have nothing to hide.

Tomorrow I will board a plane and head less than 2,000 miles north into country 50 degrees cooler than where I am presently...and I am terrified. I like living in tank tops and flip flops. I had to go shopping for warm clothes!

Now grant it, I am really looking forward to seeing my dear friend get married and sharing in her special all the shivering will be worth it, but I am STILL petrified. I don't do cold.

So for all you Southern Californians who might read this while you are sweltering in 90 degree weather, be thinking of me and enjoy it!


ARC said...

Hey Pami! It’s not necessary living in California for to think about you :)
The Internet has given to us a new dimension in life!
I found you by pure chance, in a middle of million and million of blogs. I was happy, because after this all time, I look at you, as an interesting person and sensitive
So, you don’t like cooler temperature! (me too :), only as a tourist!) I hope that the marriage of your friend has an amazing time to you.
You're not a wuss! You have lots of courage, when you open (sometimes) the window, which giving access to your intimate thoughts. I feel that you have a beautiful soul, as your bright blue eyes, which resemble the colour of a tropical crystalline sea :)