Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Final Stretch...

The paper is DONE! Now it just has to be edited, and edited, and edited so it resembles nothing like the first rough draft... :-) Ahhhh, this is why I'm not a researcher.

Last night I went to Disneyland with Sara to get a bit of relaxation before the final paper writing. A great idea...but wrong night. There were 80,000 people in the park! On a normal summer day, during a very busy time of year, there are about 60,000 people in the 80K is insane. After the fireworks, during the mass exodus, they were herding people out of the park "backstage"...a BIG no-no because it destroys the "magic". We weren't allowed to take pictures during Candlelight because they didn't want other people to see what "backstage" looks like.

But the fireworks were pretty, a Christmas version of "It's a Small World" was fun, and "Indiana Jones" was as jerky as normal. :-)

One week left!