Monday, December 1, 2008


After a lovely week off, I have just three weeks left of nursing school. I can't wait for it to be over. But then I've said that's not a new concept. The good news is all my careplans are finished. The bad news is I still have my 10-15page paper to write and my group project to finish. But it's all do-able within three weeks.

On a side note, at twilight we had the alignment of the sliver of moon with Jupiter and Venus. I was running around outside with my socks on trying to find the best view away from the city lights. (yeah, these socks will be having some bleach join them for the next round in the washing machine!) It's mind-boggling to think of how much bigger Jupiter is than Earth. 1,317 Earths could fit inside Jupiter. When viewed from our perspective, however, it's tiny.

This is how my huge, looming paper is. Right now it seems like this unattainable, horrible thing hanging over my head. But when viewed 20 years from now, way back in the distance of nursing school, it will merely be a tiny speck in the road. Perspective is everything, isn't it?

"When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,
what is man that you are mindful of him,
and the son of man that you care for him?"
Ps. 8:3-4


Dana Michelle said...

I love your Bible verse that you posted! Did you take that photo yourself? Have so much fun procrastinating ;) And good luck on the looming paper....