Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I am a nurse!

Last Saturday was the Pinning Ceremony for my school...which means that according to the school, I am now a nurse! All I need is the "registered" part in front of my title, which means taking that lovely little test.
The ceremony was beautiful. I had been voted by my class to be one of the two student speakers, which was a huge honor. I woke up early Saturday morning and wrote my speech while lying on the couch with a cup of coffee. I reread it and thought, "It's ok, but it's the best I can do under the circumstances." Well, to my utter shock and surprise, I started weeping during the speech! How embarrassing!!! I had no idea I'd get so emotional. I felt better when I finished and looked at my class behind me and a good number of them were also weepy and wiping tears off their faces. Whew!
Afterwards my family and friends took me out to a lovely Mexican restaurant to celebrate. Then it was a race to get home and pack for my flight in less than 12 hours! I managed to finish and get 6 hours of sleep... Next morning we took off for the airport.
As soon as I arrived I was asked if I was going to Tokyo and was then herded into a long line. THREE HOURS later I was finally at the ticket desk. I have never seen such appalling human behavior than I did during those three hours. There were people literally yelling at each other. A man in business class was irate that he had to wait 45 minutes in line. "I PAID more money than these people so that I could skip the line and wait for my flight in the lounge! I am going to sue!" The problem was that because the flight to Japan was delayed for 3 hours, we were all going to miss our connecting flights in Tokyo, so the agents were having to rebook every single passenger with a continuing flight. I thought I wouldn't have a problem because my flight continued on to Manila, the flight number and aircraft were the same. Think again. They were switching planes in Tokyo and they were not holding our flight. So I was told I would be put up in a hotel in Tokyo and fly to Manila the next day. My luggage was labeled and marked.
When we got to Tokyo, they HAD held our flight so we rushed to the next gate. I talked with the agent because my ticket had already been rebooked and I did not have a seat on the flight. After much confusion, they got me on the flight and I asked many, many time for them to make sure my luggage followed. When I got to Manila, it wasn't there. So I'm still waiting for my luggage that was on the next flight. Hopefully they'll deliver it today! It has everything in it!
It has been so lovely being back here. I walked into one of my favorite malls after 4 years and while some stores have changed or been remodeled, it's still the same. I automatically switched into this language. When I approach a Filipino, I don't even think to speak English, even though they most likely understand it. I am so excited to be spending a month here. God is good.
So, please pray I'll get my luggage today. I'd really like to be able to wear more than just my pajamas and flight clothes...not to mention all the Christmas presents that are in the suitcases...and Christmas is tomorrow!