Saturday, November 1, 2008

48 days to go

I cannot believe it is November 1st. This means that I only have 48 days until this semester is over. Only 48 more days until I will be eligible to take the board exams that will certify me as a registered nurse. For so long that goal has seemed so elusive. I have purposely not looked towards it that much because it can be overwhelming to comprehend all that must happen before that time. Instead, I choose to take life one day, one careplan, one exam at a time. I can get through it, but sometimes I prefer to take life in bite-sized pieces. But now that school ends in just 48 days, I can look at the light at the end of the tunnel. It's still overwhelming...after all, I have just 48 days to write 3 more careplans, a huge Change Project (think lots of busy work with a very particular professor and 15 pages of research), a group grant proposal, 2 midterms, 2 final exams, 2 assessment exams, and a whole lotta class time. It will all get done, but it's going to be a bit hairy at the end.

November 1st also means that it's now fall!!! I like fall. I never got to enjoy the changing of traditional seasons back home. So those who complain that California has no seasons should all go to a tropical island and realize that plenty changes in SoCal for fall. Today was a perfect fall day...a bit balmy and rainy. Still warm enough to wear short sleeves but cool enough to enjoy a nice pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks. Beautiful. Fall reminds me of my time in London and making an American Thanksgiving dinner for all my flatmates. Such fun times.

Making the stuffing.All the amazingly yummy food...


ARC said...

I hope that the symptoms of Nursing School are not real to you, but only represent a fun way to avoid the stress!!!...
I believe the next 48 days will be terrible for you :(, with very difficult work, but everything will be fine!
I understand well the symptoms of stress; so, when that happens, I smile, thinking positive, deep breathe and ponder on my daughter:)
As I can see, you have a quiet(!) and beautiful fall day, with your friends.
It seems to me, that you love cooking! By photos, you have much work, but it worth, because everything has a great look :)
(Well, in my photo!…) Me (a divorced father) and the woman of my life :), my little daughter Leonor yesterday on the beach, which we love to stay, all the time.