Wednesday, January 28, 2009


What is motivation? I've been asking myself that a lot lately as I try to prepare for the nursing board exams... According to the know-it-all Mr. Webster, motivation is, "a motivating force, stimulus, or influence: incentive, drive."

These last few days have been brutal. Because I spent a month in the Philippines, I didn't take the traditional NCLEX review course that my fellow classmates took, which consisted of sitting in a classroom for four 8-hour days. Instead, I opted for the online course which consists of watching the same 24 hours of lecture online. The very professional word that comes to mind is, "UGH!" It's been torture! Now don't get me wrong, I love to learn and the information truly is interesting, but watching it online for so long is brutal.

So what's motivating me? (this is for my own benefit!) Well, I need to pass the Boards...that's number one. If I don't pass, then I won't get a job, I throw away the $200 I paid to sit for the exam, and I have to do this review all over again until I can pass. On top of that, it will be very embarrassing and discouraging.

But perhaps the greatest motivating factor is not related to pride, but responsibility. As a believer in Jesus Christ, I am of the conviction that " whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." (1 Cor. 10:31, ESV) Of course I fall WAY short of this mark and perform half-heartedly all too often, but my goal and desire is that the more I walk this life, the more I reflect this truth. No matter what I do... change a dressing, empty a foley bag, hang an antibiotic, change a diaper, take a really big exam, take a super boring research class, or even something as mundane as scrubbing my own toilet, that I do it 100%, with a cheerful attitude, to the glory of God. He doesn't just deserve it, He demands it!