Wednesday, February 25, 2009


It's been a bit since I've written, so a blog about orientation is due. I started on Monday and even though it's consisted of sitting in a classroom, SRH is an incredible organization. I have been so impressed by how friendly, encouraging, and empowering they have been. The first 2 days we were in a big pool of about 25 new orientees. Today it was just the patient care staff, including RNs, CNAs, PCTs, Radiology techs, and unit secretaries. I'm liking getting down to the more nitty-gritty details. I'll be on days for 3 weeks then switch over to nights. This is good, because it means I'll only have about a month and a half of doing school during the day and work at night. Whew!

Next week I will begin patient care with my preceptor. The 12 hour shifts are going to take a bit of getting used to, I'm sure. But thank goodness the employee break room has two full body massage chairs!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Found It!

I was playing around on the other day and found this link! Yay!!! This is from when I performed on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno back in 2004. So happy!
Enjoy! The music is from The Passion of the Christ movie....

Friday, February 13, 2009

It's Official

I found out yesterday that in addition to being a real live Registered Nurse, I am now an EMPLOYED nurse! Praise God! I was offered a position at the prestigious Sunny Regional Hospital (name changed). To say I am excited is a huge understatement.

I was asked to go down to HR today to go through the preliminary paperwork and screening. This included a drug screen where I nearly had to be observed peeing in a cup (not really, but ALMOST!). This was followed by a TB test and this very interesting physical fitness test. Now most people think a physical fitness test includes running the mile, doing sit-ups, pull-ups, etc... Oh no. I had to walk 8 laps in a hallway to simulate walking on the unit where I will work, spend 60 seconds with my hands above my head (IV pole work), 10 compressions on a scale (CPR), lifting a bar, pulling a bar, pushing a bar (patient transfers), hold an 11 pound board for 2 minutes (lifting a limb for a dressing change) and 10 minutes of writing (documenting)... Very interesting.

So once this is all cleared and my background check is approved, I will begin orientation the week after next. I am still in shock. All this studying, sweat, blood, and tears will finally pay off! I'll actually be earning money instead of earning grades. And the best part??? NO tedious careplans! Ha!

Thanks for the prayers and encouragement from everyone and keep reading for the stories of a real nurse. :-)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Officially a Registered Nurse!!

Last Monday was the big day. I got up early and made my coffee, prayed, tried to relax and prepare myself for the big appointment at 8am. I stopped at McDonalds and got my favorite breakfast - a Sausage McMuffin, since a bowl a Cheerios just wasn't gonna cut it. Then it was on to the testing center.
After signing my life away and nearly being strip-searched, I was led to my little computer, complete with a video camera overhead to make sure I didn't cheat. With the exception of just a few questions, I was not 100% sure about the answers. Whenever I started to feel overwhelmed, I just took a few more deep breaths and prayed for peace and wisdom. It was pretty funny in retrospect. I started the exam all proper; both feet on the floor, back straight, staring straight ahead. By the end, I was slouching all over the place; head on the desk, feet on the chair, or leaning all the way back. I asked the proctor about it afterwards and we both laughed at watching people taking tests. It must make for an amusing job!
When I left the testing center, I truly had no idea how I did...or if I'd passed. I hear this is the norm for everyone. I wasn't sure how soon I'd get my results, but I knew that I would have them by Friday at the latest. I checked multiple times yesterday with no luck. I was pretty sure I'd know by this morning. When my roommate got up at 6am, I debated getting up and checking, but decided that if I hadn't passed, that I would rather sleep with blissful innocence for a bit longer. I kept having dreams about getting up and checking. When I finally did wake up, I was surprised those dreams hadn't been real! But sure enough, I checked and lo and behold, there is MY name with the oh-so-exciting initials, "RN" afterwards! Wow! I PASSED!
The glory be to God, not me. And He is so faithful. The amazing thing is that even if I hadn't passed, He is no less faithful, amazing, or great. My actions or inactions do not change His attributes. Praise God!
In closing, I'll repeat the words of Paul. "Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to HIM be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen." (Eph 3:20-21, ESV)