Thursday, December 18, 2008


I'm DONE!!! Now all that is left is the formality of the Pinning Ceremony (...oops, I still need to write my speech for that). But all the papers, exams, projects, etc..., are turned in and done with. I've washed my hands of them. I have survived nursing school!

To be honest, it felt weird to be going through finals. Here I am, 3 years out of undergrad, and I'm STILL taking finals. Everyone else who is taking finals is on average 5 years younger than me. I should be done...oh well, embrace the "young" feeling while I can. I'm sure that someday soon I'll be begging for this feeling!

All that stands between me and that title of Registered Nurse is a pesky little test called (Jaw soundtrack, please) the National Certification and Licensure Examination, aka: the Boards. I've heard that it's actually not that bad and the school has paid for all of us to go through a review course. Luckily, I will be doing mine online in shorts, a tank top, flip-flops, while munching on fresh mangoes.

The next two days are going to be crazy busy: buying all the items on my folks' wishlist (which involves going to 3-4 stores), picking up items from church for missionaries, last minute shopping for stuff I can't get over there, getting my TB test read, packing as lightly as possible, celebrating our graduations with Melissa, Prayer Brunch, Pinning Ceremony, and take-off. Oh, and I have to sleep somewhere in that mix.

Thank you all for your prayers to get me through thus far! WE did it!

(for this season) "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." - 2 Tim 4:7